
Does homework really help students in learning?

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If you are a student, we can understand why you keep looking for help with homework. Completing homework is one of the most tedious tasks ever. When professors and teachers are asked why students try to access homework help from a third-party agency, they have a lot to say. 

For all students who want to know whether homework assignments are helping them in learning or not, we have got the answers. In this article, we will try to look into in-depth details about doing homework.

As per a study conducted a few years back, it was found out that almost 57% of parents opined that their children were given an adequate amount of homework. Another 23% of parents believed that their kids received too little homework.

 But, only 19% of parents opined that the homework was too much for their kids. Thus, there are varying degrees of comments when it comes to the opinion of parents with regard to homework given in colleges and schools.

what does the research say about homework?

Educators need to be thrilled by these varying numbers as many parents shout too much and too little. The opinion of parents tells us that homework works. 

 In this article, we are presenting to you a detailed analysis of whether the homework is beneficial or not for students. In addition to this, the research will also reveal whether the homework is appropriate for students or not.

The answer to the merits and demerits of homework for kids can be answered by comparing students who are assigned homework with those who are not assigned any homework.

 The results of these students reveal that homework can definitely improve the score of students in the class. This means students who get homework regularly and who complete it without getting any help in homework got more marks in-class tests as compared to students who did not get homework. 

As per the same study, learners who received homework consistently did better in Math in 2nd grade, the students from third and fourth grade did better in English. Fifth graders did better in Social Science, students from 9th to 12th grade did better in History and the 12th graders did better on Literature subjects. 

These types of studies reveal a positive link between homework and the achievement of students. Thus, the study has two different aspects of homework. In this article, we will also try to know about the positive as well as negative aspects of homework for us.

Benefits of getting homework

Regular study

The biggest benefit of getting everyday homework is that it helps students to get a habit of studying every day. Even if a student is not studious, he/she will have to complete the homework as they will be fearful of the teachers and professors.


Homework creates discipline

Another important benefit of homework is that it helps in developing discipline among students. Getting homework on an everyday basis enables you to sit for studies every day. Thus, it is helpful for students in getting disciplined. 

Development of study skills for students

Homework comes up with lots of amazing benefits. From time management skills to self-improvement and an independent method of learning, homework helps in the development of better study skills in the long run. The positive skills will enable learners to improve their academic and work lives in the future.

Consolidation of classroom learning

When it comes to the revision of what has been taught in the class, nothing is as effective as homework. Assigned tasks in homework are almost the same as what has been taught in the class previously. This way, They can easily revise whatever has been taught in the class.

Better academic comprehension

When teachers give homework to students, it can enable them to know whether the students are able to understand the chapters taught in the class or not. Thus, it enables teachers to tailor the approach they follow to teach learners. They can easily recognize the educators who need extra support and students who are getting benefits from homework.

Demerits of homework

Extra stress

Simply the word “Homework” causes fear in the minds of many learners. When the workload for homework is too much, students may lose the motivation to work. In the long run, it can cause stress and anxiety for many learners.

No leisure time

Another disadvantage of homework is that students don’t get enough time to spend time on their hobbies and interests as they spend most of the time doing homework. Thus, it affects creativity in the long run.

There is no study that says that homework is 100% effective. While for some students, it can be beneficial, many students don’t find too many benefits of homework. Thus, it depends on teachers to get details on how homework can help in the long run. If you want to access homework help. You can check third-party agencies that will charge you a few bucks to complete homework on your behalf.


Saeed Akhtar is a seasoned freelancer and digital marketer, boasting a rich background cultivated over five years in the industry. With a passion for innovative strategies and a keen understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape. Saeed Akhtar brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to his projects, consistently delivering results that exceed expectations.